Saturday 5 October 2013

September Favourites!

My September Beauty Favourites!

1.Simple Foaming Cleanser

I loved how this made my skin feel after using it. It felt so soft and didn't make my skin feel tight. It has made my 'T-Zone' a little more oily and I now feel like my skin is a combination type rather than normal. However it is really cheap, great value for money and one pump goes a very long way. It's lasted me ages- well over 2 months and I am very impressed with the results.

You can get this cleanser from Superdrug for £4.49

2. Imperial Lather Japanese Spa Bath Cream

This bubble bath is so lovely! It creates loads of bubbles that actually last and don't fizzle out after 30 seconds. It contains rice milk, jasmine and green tea for "triple moisturisation" and it definitely works! I can not put into words how lovely this makes your skin feel.. but (girls you'll probably understand) you know the feeling just after you've shaved your legs and you rub them together when they're wet? That's the feeling this bubble bath gives your skin for days after using it! Also, it costs next to nothing! I can't rate this product enough.

You can get this bubble bath from Superdrug for £1.59

3.Batiste Dry Shampoo

Some days you wake up and your hair half needs a wash, half doesn't. You either stay in bed a little longer, or get out, wash, blowdry and style your hair. Batiste dry shampoo is for those girls (or boys!) who would rather that little extra time in bed. Okay your hair wont look as healthy as if you've just washed it, but it does the job. It does take the shine out of your hair and can look grey if you spray too close or have dark hair. I'm bright blonde so it's quick and easy for me to use but if you're brunette I suggest picking one up that's suited to your hair colour. Other than that, its a quick and easy option for lazy people or those trying not to wash their hair every day.. like me.

You can get this dry shampoo from Beauty Dept for £2.99


This cream is actually meant for full blown acne but it's so good  for when a bright red spot appears and you need it gone quick. If I feel a spot coming, I put some of this on the area and it wont come to the surface. If I wake up with a spot, I'll put some of this on it and it will be gone by the next morning. It contains benzoyl peroxide so it can be a little drying if you put too much on, but not a lot is needed. It's really cheap and actually works so there's no need to splash out on expensive spot creams that don't even work.

You can get Quinoderm from Boots for £2.65

5.Jerome Russell Bblonde High Lift

You buy this powder bleach with a separate bottle of peroxide from the same range (picture below)

After mixing the two together, you've got your bleach mix. It can lift up to 8-9 shades lighter so be careful what colour hair you use it on. I already had blonde hair, but it had been dyed a greeny/grey colour which I wanted to get out pronto. I'd tried using tomato ketchup which did lift the green out slightly (red counteracts green) but it was still there. Then I tried a bleach shampoo but it wasn't strong enough to take the green out. So I came across this in Superdrug. One- it was really cheap. Two- it didn't damage my hair whatsoever. Three- you can choose how long to leave it on for, there isn't a set time but the instructions suggest between 15 minutes to an hour. Four- it took the green straight out of my hair and now I'm back to baby blonde!

You can get both products from Superdrug for £5.68 for both

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