Thursday 24 October 2013

REVIEW: Quinoderm Antibacterial Facewash

I want to start off by saying- I love Quinoderm. I raved about their spot treatment/cream in my September favourites because it's brilliant! but I wasn't as overjoyed with the facewash as I was the cream.

When Quinoderm sent me this face wash to review I was really excited but quite hesitant as I wondered if it would be too harsh for my skin as I do get a few spots but I don't have full blown acne. So I asked my brother to try it out at the same time as me. He's 14 and that equals spots so I was really excited to see the results on him.

This face wash is literally radio-active! Bright blue.

As you can see it's a really pretty blue colour, but I'm always weary of bright coloured cosmetics as I wonder what they've added to make it that colour, which is then being absorbed into my skin. It smells really clean though, like tea tree and witch hazel but it doesn't say that it contains either of those products. Also, surprisingly it doesn't contain any ingredients from the cream which I was upset about because I love the cream so much. 

It does claim to "help remove excess facial oil, grease or dirt and leaves the skin clean, healthy and feeling refreshed" and it does do exactly that. I love how clean my skin feels after using this and I definitely do feel refreshed. For me, it brought my spots out but then went quickly which means my skin is a lot less bumpy now. My brother absolutely loved it. He said it really helped his skin and he liked how it felt when using it. He's always nicking my face wash but I'm letting him have this one as it's helped him a lot more than me.

This isn't a 'luxury' product. It's as cheap as chips at £2.25 and the packaging reflects that. I think if Quinoderm stepped their packaging up a bit and made it appeal more to teenagers- girls in particular (who are most likely to buy cosmetic products)they will get a lot more customers. Beauty bloggers love packaging and how a product looks as a whole so if it was taken up a notch I think Quinoderm would get the attention it deserves.

Overall, I like this product. I'm not amazed and it isn't holy grail material but it is nice for teenagers going through puberty and suffering from acne/spots. A little goes a long way and it will last you ages.

You can buy this facewash here at a mere £2.25 for 150 ml
Have a look at Quinoderm's website

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